How to get hired during a pandemic
The number of jobs in finance is growing and employers are seeking new talent - here's how to stand out and get hired during a pandemic.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, you would be forgiven for thinking that companies aren’t hiring finance and accountancy professionals at the moment. However, many employers actually continued to hire during the lockdown, and as businesses are now reopening, many of the organisations that had halted recruitment have resumed their efforts to source new employees.
Nevertheless, job hunting today is very different than it was at the start of 2020, and competition for roles in finance and accountancy is tough. With the number of vacancies on GAAPweb steadily rising and job market confidence improving, we decided to put together this list of advice and tips for how to stand out as a jobseeker and get hired during a pandemic.
Have patience
With the combination of furlough, remote working and redundancies, you may find yourself waiting longer than usual to hear back from potential employers about job applications and interviews. Feel free to send a polite email enquiring about next steps if you haven’t heard in over a week, but be prepared to be patient. Consider also that some email addresses and phone numbers could be unmonitored at the moment.
Ask for a video interview
It’s unlikely that you’ll be invited for a face to face interview at the moment, but if you are, don’t hesitate to ask for a video appointment instead - especially if you or someone you live with is vulnerable. While employers are under no obligation to give you a video interview, you have to ask yourself if you would want to work for someone who is potentially asking you to risk your health and that of your loved ones.
Prepare for video interviews
Preparation is key for any interview, and at the moment it’s important to be ready to meet potential employers remotely - especially if you haven’t experienced this before. In addition to the usual prep of company research, wearing the right clothes and brushing up on your CV, you need to make sure potential distractions are eliminated and that you’re taking the interview in an optimum location. Read more on how to have a successful video interview here.
Consider alternative options
When job hunting during a pandemic, you may notice that the number of jobs around is lower than usual. However, there are ways to counteract this and broaden your horizons. For example, would you consider doing part-time, temporary or contract work for a few months? Don’t forget that many of the roles available at the moment will likely involve working from home, which could potentially open up a greater number of opportunities.
Apply for jobs in growing areas
To increase your chances of landing a new job, we recommend applying for roles in areas that are showing growth despite the Coronavirus crisis. For example, in July we recorded monthly growth for accountancy firm jobs, as well as for roles in a range of industries including banking, manufacturing, retail, tourism and more.
Utilise your professional network
An active network of likeminded finance and accountancy professionals is an essential tool for job hunting, especially during a pandemic. Reach out to members of your network to see if anyone can recommend a suitable opportunity for you.
Get headhunted
Specialist recruiters and hiring managers at top employers use the GAAPweb CV database to source finance professionals for exclusive roles, so why not upload your CV today for your chance to get headhunted?
Tailor your applications
Competition for accountancy jobs is tough, so it’s essential that you tailor every application you make as you navigate job hunting during a pandemic. CVs, applications and/or cover letters targeted specifically to the job at hand that mirror the keywords used in the advert are much more effective in getting you invited for an interview.
Reach out to pre-lockdown interviewers
Perhaps you had some successful interviews back in March but then lockdown forced hiring to be put on hold. As businesses continue to reopen, it’s a good idea to reach out to those who interviewed you to see if the role you went for is available again. Even if it’s not, getting in touch will put you front of mind for when a suitable opportunity arises.
Take some time to reflect
With social distancing measures still in effect and fewer jobs around to apply for, it may be that you have a little extra time on your hands. We suggest using some of this time to reflect on your career and work out exactly what you want from your next role. Perhaps you want to take the next step up the career ladder, or now you have experienced remote working you don’t want to give it up.
Update your CV
Lockdown was different for everyone. Some of us were furloughed, others worked remotely, while others lost their jobs. Whatever your situation, you should update your CV to reflect what you have been up to over the past few months.
Be the first to hear about the latest opportunities
Sign up for a personalised GAAPweb job alert to give yourself a competitive edge. Simply let us know the details of your ideal role and we will send matching vacancies to you via email as they become available, meaning you could be one of the first to apply.
Ready to start applying? Check out the latest finance jobs and accountancy jobs today on GAAPweb.
If you have any further tips on how to get a new job during Coronavirus, let us know on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.